I guess deep down most of knew that this day would come at some point; a day when our cultural accommodation comes to full bloom as a denomination. Rather than stand for very clear, unambiguous orthodoxy, we've bowed our knee to the altar of a "progressive" theology. I think it must grieve an immutable God.
With a vote in favor of dropping the previously approved ordination standards from the Presbyterian Book of Order by the Twin Cities Presbytery, now 87 presbyteries, a simple majority, has approved this reduction in criteria for what it means to be in leadership in our church. Now the determination of who should and who should not lead will reside with each ordinating body. This in my mind is a schematic for incongruity. But then again, the whole issue is, really.
However, I can cling to the fact that the church ultimately is the Lord's regardless of how efficient we think we've been in wrestling control from him. Sure, for a season we might think we're winning, but in the end we might be in for a surprise if this is our take on who really owns the church! My hunch is that he will guard his Bride fiercely. I am grieved, however, that we've once again played the harlot. So perhaps, given the context, the words from Hosea ought to be heeded: "Come, let us return to the Lord." (Hosea 6:1)