It set me thinking...
Do you ever see a brilliant rainbow on a crystal clear day? "Well of course not," you're thinking right now, since the rainbow is formed by water droplets refracting light, droplets that aren't present with a crystal clear sky, Pastor George; (and, right now you're thinking, "it's obvious that you studied theology and not meteorology!")
What makes the rainbow brilliant is the contrast in which it is set.
Hmmmm....God's promises.
Remember that the rainbow was placed in the sky by God to illustrate to Noah the covenant he was forming with him; a covenant agreement, initiated by God, that he would never again flood the earth to destroy all flesh (Genesis 9:12-17).
But what caused that promise to be so clearly seen, or at least the representation of the promise, was the contrast with the cloud in which the bow was set (vs. 14).
I wonder if the brilliance of God's promises in our life are as remarkable on clear days as they are when things are "dark" and "overcast?"
Isn't there a sort of "blessed contrast" whereby we recognize God's bestowing of promises and mercy more fully when our situations are such that we feel "clouded over?"
That to me is pure grace. And, perhaps, it's after some time has passed as well. Rarely does the rainbow poke out as the rain is beginning. More so it is the case that after a good deluge, the arc pops forth reminding us that while we might have just gotten drenched, "this is not unto death!" A stark contrast.
Now it would be beyond glib to say at this point "So the next time it rains in your life, just look for the rainbow!" But my encouragement to you is this: if your life is dark right now; if you're struggling to see any kind of "blue sky experience" in your situation(s), then you are in a prime spot, because of that deep contrast, to see the blessed promises of God. Here are just a few that might arc themselves over your cloud covered skies:
** "...I will not leave you or forsake you." Joshua 1:5
** "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." James 4:8
** "...If you seek him, he will be found by you..." 1 Chronicles 28:9
** "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33
So don't despise the clouds; that's right where God chose to place the rainbow! In your darkness, replay the promises over and over in your heart. Remember, "he who promised is faithful!" (Hebrews 10:23)
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